
Being a frequent audio electronic DIYer I decided it was about time to build a guitar amp. And finally I decided to make things not too complicated (which normally is a speciality of mine) and got myself a prepared kit for a Tweed Twin (5F8A).

This kit is compiled by Tube Amp Doctor of Worms/Germany. A company that I know for their excellent service and premium parts.

These amp kits are not for beginners and come with very little extra explanation. I think this is on purpose to weed out the really able from the wannabe. Anyways there are all shades in between “able” and “wannabe”. I have to admit, that my own experience with vintage tube gear is somewhat limited, too. But I´m confident that  I will manage it and don´t kill myself by the attempt (500V= is a serious threat though).

Maybe there are others out there also thinking about trying such a kit. So I want to share my findings and hopefully help some others to avoid problems in the build.

Have fun!


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